We’ve love to hear from you.

If you’re a publisher, please be sure to follow the submission guidelines below the contact form before contacting us.
You can also email us directly at: bocksgames@gmail.com

2 + 5 =

Submission Guidelines

REVIEWS. If this is your first time working with us, send us a PDF of the rules and we’ll see if it’s a game we’re interested in reviewing. Prototypes and demos will be returned if a shipping label is provided. We do not accept print and play games. Most reviews will be done as a live video. On occasion we will make a premium review, however this is not guaranteed and is at our discretion. Due to the amount of games we receive, our current turnaround is 3 – 6 months. If you wish the review up in less than one months — we have a rush fee of $200. 

We prefer to play: medium to heavy games, strategy games, and games with excellent art and design. We do not review games that are NSFW or political satire. 

PREVIEWS. We offer high-quality preview videos as our premium offering. These videos are typically 2 – 3 minutes in length and will showcase the components and art from your game as well as provide a brief overview (in text overlay format). Previews are $400. Turnaround is one month. If you wish the preview up in less than two weeks — we have a rush fee of $200.

OVERVIEWS. These are extended previews. Typically 5 – 7 minutes in length, providing a basic look at the rules as well as including beautiful shots of your components and artwork. Overviews are $800. Turnaround is one month. If you wish the overview up in less than two weeks — we have a rush fee of $400.

ADDITIONAL SERVICES. We also offer professional photography, kickstarter videos, graphic design, and more at: www.thegamebocks.com