Review Schedule and More.

For those of you lovely enough to stop by our website, we figured we’d share a little behind the scenes information. We’ve got a bunch of games we’ve been playing lately and wanted to share what our lineup for reviews will be in the coming weeks and months. We put our heart and soul into each and every review that we publish but we’re working on making small changes on the back end to speed up the process and be more efficient. Our goal is to publish around one video review per week and at least 2 – 3 written reviews per week. When we have a free moment we’ll try and post some photos behind the scenes of how we get our shots.

We also decided recently that we want to be more critical in our reviews — as Cathy and I are, by nature, extremely critical people. We’re harsh and not easy to please. We’ve decide to just own it. That being said, we will always make an effort to be constructive rather than “bashing” a game. As well, we feel it’s important to be specific on what’s not working for us and why, because it might not be something that bothers you. And remember folks — just because I dislike a game, doesn’t mean you won’t love it!

That all said, how do reviews happen with us?

  • First we select the games we want to review and create a “group”. This is essentially the games we’re going to focus on heavily for that period. Typically the list consists of 4 – 5 games. One of the games in the group is typically a game we’ve personally purchase.
  • We then play all of those games at least 3 – 5 times.
  • Next we decide which game(s) from that group we want to do a video review for.
  • Then we take photos and write reviews. It usually takes us around 2 – 3 hours to photograph a game and around 4 – 7 hours to film and edit video reviews. It takes us around 1 – 3 hours to write each review as well. It’s a lot of time and work but we love it!
  • Once everything is complete for a game, we publish it! Once we’ve completed everything in a group, we go to the next group. When we get new games in, they get added to the end of the list.  

Here’s a list of the upcoming games we’re currently working on and their groups (in alphabetical order). We’ve got even more coming after those. I think I may post our “in the works” list on the Facebook page and update it as things change.


  • Arboretum 
  • Chartered
  • Duhr
  • Pocket Mars
  • Scarabya
  • Set a Watch


  • Caper 
  • Dragoon
  • Everdell
  • Railways of the World


  • Blue Lagoon
  • Deathnote
  • Guardians
  • Most Wanted
  • Newton

We’ve got groupings selected all the way to group K. That’s a lot of games to play and review but we’re beyond excited to play them! Hope you’re as excited as we are!