Blood Rage
Painted Miniatures
I finally finished painting Blood Rage. I’m so thrilled with how these turned out and cannot wait to get them to the table. If you’d be interested in me painting your miniatures, go here!

I finally finished painting Blood Rage. I’m so thrilled with how these turned out and cannot wait to get them to the table. If you’d be interested in me painting your miniatures, go here!
Our review of the awesome new game, Fleet The Dice Game, is live on our YouTube channel! Be sure to go check it out!
Coming soon to Kickstarter!
Our latest episode is live! Be sure to check it out and subscribe if you haven’t already!
Happy New Year / News 0002.
Hope you guys are excited to see some more videos because I have a ton in the works. If you’d like to see what I’m currently working on be sure to stop by our Instagram. As well, we’ve got a contest coming up once we reach 100 subscribers and we’re almost there! So be sure to tell your friends to subscribe! It helps us out so much! We also now have an amazing sponsor sending us some games and looking forward to more!
Thanks for all the love and support!
Join the BGG Guild #2830.
Follow me!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bocksgames
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bocksgames
Facebook: https://facebook.com/bocksgames
Thanks for all the support! We’ve got lots of new videos coming soon! We’ve also gotten some brand new lighting for the “set” that will drastically improve the quality of our videos. We’re so excited to start churning out videos and we hope you love them!
For the next few videos we’re going to be heavily focused on reviews. We also have a few “maker” videos coming as well. That said, we’d love to know what you’d like to see. So let us know!
I wanted to post a quick update on here as to why videos slowed. Currently, I’ve got a billion things on my plate, not least of which is our photography jobs, lol — and this is crazy season. As well, I am a writer and I have NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month) coming up. That said, once December hits, we will have a huge amount of free time to start churning out videos that we can then publish at a much faster rate. So expect a lot from us this winter. We cannot wait to share what we’ve been working on!
I’m currently hard at working designing some upcoming inserts. Currently my plans include inserts for:
Do you have games you’d like me to design an insert for? Let me know in the comments.
I’m also planning some reviews in the coming weeks:
Are there any games you’d like me to review? Let me know!
I’m also planning on making some how to videos on building inserts, tips and such, as well as videos that will help new gamers get into the hobby. If either of these interest you or you have additional ideas, let me know.
The review is live!
The Unboxing for Lisboa is now live!